Presentation of “Hong Kong Logistics Industry Development Planning and Land Use” to HK Government & Education sector
A research study on “Hong Kong Logistics Industry Development Planning and Land Use” was released and announced by BPS Global Group and the University of Hong Kong Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department at Legislative Council on 14th July 2014. The report has aroused public concern, including the Government of HKSAR, business and education sectors, on the development of HK’s logistics industry and the distribution of logistics lands supply in future.
Then on 29th July 2014, BPS presented and shared the points of view with the Government officials led by Ms. Julina Chan, JP, Deputy Secretary (Transport) of the Transport and Housing Bureau, as well as Ms. Amy YM Cheung, Assistant Director of Planning/ Territorial of the Planning Department. BPS strongly urged the Government to support the development directions of the logistics industry.
This time, the Transport Logistics Training Board of Vocational Training Council (VTC) took this as one of their discussion agenda during their regular board meeting, and invited BPS to share the findings of the study to the Training Board on 24th September, 2014. Our group technical director, also the project investigator, Dr. YM Wong presented the details and the findings regarding the study in details, as well as answered questions raised by chairman and members of the training board. BPS hopes the young transport logistics generation will show higher concern in the future development of the industry and make contribution to enhance its growth.