On 24 September, Ir. Kelvin Ko, the CEO of BPS Logistics Technology was invited by Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) to be the speaker for the International Conference of Logistics 4.0 - Transformation of Hong Kong SMEs for Logistics, Manufacturing and Trading. The conference focused on how the adaption of knowledge and technologies towards Logistics 4.0 is crucial to maintain Hong Kong’s function as the leading regional and global logistics hub.
Kelvin also shared the thoughts of how warehouse automation technology can help to overcome the impact of logistics industry after COVID-19 pandemic. He explained the fast-growing E-commerce businesses can benefit from implementing automation technology for inbound/outbound inventory, storage, the flow of goods, technologies such as AI/Big Data, 5G connectivity and the trend of global logistics.
The event includes International keynote speakers and presentations from a range of relevant industries.