BPS Global and HKU Releases Results of Survey Focusing on "Hong Kong’s Logistics Industry and Land Supply"
An opinion survey on “Hong Kong Logistics Industry Development Planning and Land Use” co-organized by BPS Global Group and the University of Hong Kong Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department in March to April this year shows that, the logistics industry is concerned about the inadequacy of land supplyandde-centralisation of large-scale logistics land. The industry hopes that the new logistics and transportation facilities to be completed in coming few years will open up business opportunities. The survey also shows that, respondents believe Lantau North (Siu Ho Wan), followed by TuenMun West and Northeast New Territories, is the most suitable future potential location expanding logistics operations. To further examine the matching of industry’s demand and Government’s supply scenarios, BPS Global Group and HKU conducted the Stage 2 research.
The research into public papers and district board meeting minutes revealed that the supply of logistics lands has often been on Government’s agenda item list; however the locations of such land must be set to suit the future transport infrastructures. As the survey has revealed that the majority are in favour of decentralized distribution, the long term land supply should be more evenly provided at Lantau, NENT, and NWNT instead of everything concentrated at HSK NDA only.
Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming, Member of the Legislative Council for Transport Constituency, Professor George Q. Huang, Head of Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering of The University of Hong Kong, and Dr Wong Yiu Man, Group Technical Director of BPS Global Group and Executive Committee of Manufacturing & Industrial Division of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, jointly announced their research findings on the research findings press conference held on 14 July, 2014 at Legislative Council Complex, Central, Hong Kong. Representatives from the professional logistics associations attended the results announcement and exchanged their views on this topic.
BPS hopes that the research findings can be used as reference for the distribution of logistics lands supply in future, so as tourge the Government to put forward specific implementation plans to enhance competitiveness.