On June 12, an educational occupation and health training session was carried out by Labour Department exclusively for the staffs of BPS Global Group. The session was divided into two main parts: strategies for the prevention of occupational diseases and work & healthy lifestyle. The tutor began the session with the concept of the importance of occupational health, including possible health hazards in their work environment and occupational disease may result in severe cases. She followed with advices on the respective preventive measures, so to enhance the awareness of employers and employees on the issue, minimizing the possibility of employees sustaining injuries at work and occupational diseases thus enhancing the productivity of an organization.
After a short break, the tutor discussed on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle during the latter part of the session, including balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest and stress management. With the demonstration of workplace exercise and daily examples, our colleagues had a better understanding and practice on taking proper precautions in office working environment. BPS believes work-life balance takes an essential role in staffs’ physical and mental health. In 2017, BPS attained OHSAS 18001: 2007 certification, which is a widely recognized and popular British Standard for occupational health and safety management system.