In March, BPS Global Group actively participated in a series of university recruitment events, including a series of job fairs and recruitment talks held in HKUST and Poly U respectively. In addition, “Engineering Graduate Training Scheme “A” programme” approved by HKIE since 2014, was introduced to students who are interested in developing their careers in logistics consulting aspect. Knowing that the Scheme A programme offers a variety of proficient hands-on trainings and remuneration package, plentiful graduates were attracted to have further enquiry at the job fair.
The group also shared some career insights with students at the recruitment talks. Dr. Wong Yiu Man, Group Technical Director of BPS Global Group and Mr. Gary Wong, General Manager (Construction Division) of BPS Global Group, were invited as the guest speakers to share their knowledge in career planning and considerations to take beforehand. With years of experience in consulting services and construction project management, Dr. Wong and Mr. Wong shed light on the prosperous career of logistics engineering. BPS Global Group as a leading warehousing and logistics infrastructure provider can facilitate to build the brightest future for newcomers. All students left the event being enlightened by our speakers and yearned for further discussion well after the scheduled hours.