The classic 007 movie series have another story to tell in its new film Spectre 007. Long before the release, James Bond once again caught the world’s attention. BPS Global took the chance to thank our clients for their continuous support through the years by inviting them to enjoy the film with us. The BPS Global Movie Night 2015 was successfully held at Grand Ocean in Tsim Sha Tsui on 13 November 2015. Around 400 clients enjoyed the film Spectre 007 with us that night.
Many of our clients arrived at the theatre early, looking forward to the film as well as seeing their old friends. They were also busy taking photos and chatting with their old friends, filling the whole theatre with laughter and happiness. We were also delighted that our meticulously prepared 007 theme props were so popular for photo-taking.
Before the start of the movie, Mr. Stephen Lee, our Vice-President, was invited to give a sharing to let clients catch up with our latest news, followed by the familiar background music that marked the beginning of the film; everyone in the theatre was amazed by it and had a great time that night. BPS Global was so pleased that our clients had an enjoyable night with us and we will continue to provide the best logistics services for our clients as always.